Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Whitney Port Dishes On The Hills And More

Like Whitney Port herself, we tend to forget she was once a part of The Hills. Once she got up and moved her fashionista butt to New York to star in her own series, The City, she was done with L.A.

However, that doesn't mean she doesn't have things to say about her ol' stomping grounds. We caught up with Port earlier today to talk about the upcoming new season of The City, saying goodbye to The Hills and what she thinks of Brody Jenner hooking up with Avril Lavigne... 

Okay, the drama. Give me the biggest drama we'll be seeing this season.
There's not as much relationship drama this time around. I think it really shows us four girls trying to make a name for ourselves in the fashion industry here, which is really difficult because it seems like 75 percent of the people living in New York are trying to do the same thing.

I heard you were at Oprah the other day.
Yeah, yeah. I got to go check it out. Well my boyfriend was on it. He's also on an MTV series [FYI: that would be Ben Nemtin of The Buried Life]. I think Oprah saw it and so I went to support. I was in New York and Chicago's not that far away.
So, how are things with the boyfriend?
Um, everything's good. Everything's good, yeah.

Will we see your relationship developing on The City?No, no, no, no.

Do you think The Hills should be ending?I don't know if it should be ending. I think it's ending on a strong note. I think that they're going out with the popularity still being really high. It's bittersweet for me. I remind myself still that I was once on it. It seems so far away from now. The show was so different when I was a part of it. I think that when Lauren left, a lot of the authenticity and spark of the show kind of went with her.

What do you think about Brody and Avril Lavigne being together?
I heard little rumblings of it. Is it serious?

They were apparently getting tattoos together this weekend.
Stop it right now! [laughs] Oh, my gosh. Well, if they're happy, then more power to them! But that's so funny…I don't mean funny like they're funny together. I just didn't expect it. But sometimes I think the greatest things are unexpected, you know?

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