Friday, November 13, 2009

Audrina's Blog: My Health Kick!

It's so easy to let your health take a backseat to life when it seems like everything is a whirlwind. That's why I'm on a total health kick starting yesterday. I had my first workout session with my trainer and I can hardly move without feeling a sore muscle flex. It's always easier to stay motivated with a gym partner. Here's what I did yesterday..

Four minute warmup on the treadmill

3 sets of 15 squats
3 sets of 15 bicep curls (5 lbs)
Tons of crunches on ball - it makes them even more challenging

And a four minute cool down on treadmill

It's not good to overwhelm your body when you're just starting to get into a routine!

As for eating, I have cut out alcohol and sugar. I'm not good at completely changing my diet all at once because it makes it hard to stick with it. I've also been drinking these shakes from elixir called model body. Also tons of water and this drink called kombocha synergy...I love the cranberry one, Casey thinks it tastes like vinegar but it makes me feel healthier! haha

Here are photos from this past April when I tried out Reebok's new Jukari Fit to Fly Workout! Click here.

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