Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Brody vs. Justin: Who Would Be The Better BF?

On tonight's Hills, we got a peek at both Brody and Justin Bobby's inner jackass. Sure, they've got winning smiles, but no one wants their man to call them a "bitch" ( especially after throwing him a surprise party), and we can't think of many things more frustrating than when a dude simply doesn't show up as planned.

But honestly, girls can be just as relationship stupid as guys. Which begs the question ... who to choose? Something tells us Kristin's going to have some tricky dating decisions to make soon, so we wanna know before even more boy drama erupts: Is Brody or Justin more worthy of her -- or any lady's -- love and affection?

Which Guy Would Make A Better Boyfriend?
Brody Jenner
Justin "Bobby" Brescia

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