Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Lauren Conrad examiner reveals why fans hate Kyle Howard

For about a year, Kyle Howard has become the leading man in Lauren Conrad's life. As such, it started out as just friends, but it blossomed into a full-fledge relationship. And in that time, Lauren has made some drastic decisions. One was leaving The Hills not only to lead a private life, but to focus more on fashion, writing books, and other entertainment opportunities. And another big reason was to devote more time to Kyle Howard. But fans, and this reporter see it totally differently, and wonder if the My Boys star is becoming a hinderance to Lauren Conrad, and her future plans. For instance, it's reported that Lauren got furious last Thursday night when actor Ryan Gosling hit on her, so she went to Kyle for support. From there, it is said that Kyle got revved up by friends, and wanted to go after Ryan Gosling. It seems that this news refuses to go away, and it's making Lauren look bad, making her out to be a whiner, and Kyle as just another boyfriend who gets jealous of his girl. But then again, fans wonder if Kyle Howard should even be in Lauren Conrad's life. This is the man who single-handedly pulled Lauren away from The Hills, which was a very lucrative venture for Ms. Conrad. Even though The Hills was going South, there still could've been a recovery while Lauren Conrad was still on board. If Kyle Howard is dating someone like LC, then it should be in Kyle's best interest to support his girlfriend while she works on a show that's proven to be difficult already. It would've helped if Kyle sacrificed his small profile to helped Lauren out, and it could've given Kyle an opportunity to defend Lauren Conrad whenever troubles came along from Heidi, Spencer, Audrina, etc. As a matter of fact, Kyle Howard would've benefitted from being on The Hills not only career-wise, but Kyle would have been seen as someone you can rely on whenever you're in trouble, someone that no one can mess with. But instead, Kyle Howard is kept away from The Hills by either Lauren, his contract on My Boys, or his own personal feelings. And many of Lauren Conrad's guy fans are left to fend for themselves, and they've only got their fantasies, dreams, and memories of LC to rely on, so guy fans don't go insane at the thought of Lauren not being on The HillsThe Hills, and her creditability as a celebrity/ professional. In the end, Lauren Conrad loses out with Kyle Howard, by not supporting her the way he should. It's bad enough Lauren's got some bad press for the last two years of The Hills alone, she doesn't need the oppression of her boyfriend to make matters worse and destroy what she's worked so hard to build. So in all good criticism, it's time for Lauren Conrad to bid good-bye to Kyle Howard so she can find someone who will be there for her all the way. And it will give LC time to enjoy her fame outside The Hills next season. For gals, a role model for them is now void in their lives, who will these girls look up to that's as relatable as Lauren Conrad? From many theories LC fans may have, it looks like Kyle Howard gets stressed at the thought of Lauren Conrad's fame alone; so Kyle may feel like any other boyfriend to talk Lauren out of continuing with her hit show, and spend more time with him, and work on her fashion career, so forth. But at the same time, Lauren Conrad is sacrificing her dreams and desires to make Kyle Howard happy, and Kyle is not giving 100% by acting like a typical jealous boyfriend who may get heated when someone else goes for Lauren. As for Lauren, all she gets is humiliated, which forces the media and important people she deals with to question her motives for really leaving as a single, independent woman, putting her best foot forward in fashion, entertainment, and writing books. Plus, Lauren's fans will appreciate her new-found freedom and enjoy her a little bit longer. Lauren Conrad needs to take on the methods of Michael Jackson; don't let anyone else create your destiny, go on your own path. And from there, Lauren Conrad will be incredibly successful, in her own right.

Credit: Daniel Quintanilla for Examiner

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