Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Hills Poll: Is Spencer Really Ready To Make Nice?

Over the last few years, playboy-turned-devoted husband Spencer Pratt's tried on a bunch of different hats. But now the rapper/politico/weatherman-hating Hills star says he’s changed his “evil” ways for good and claims he’s done wasting his “time and energy on fame and pop culture.”

Natch, we’re kinda skeptical (since when has the I'm A Celebrity alum been AGAINST publicity?!), but we’re willing to give him the benefit of the doubt (for now) and let you make the call. After the jump, check out some sample posts from Spencer’s Twitter and let us know whether you think Heidi's hubby’s a changed man!

+ Has Spencer Pratt reformed his ways? Or is this just another ploy for attention? Take our poll and let us know whether you think he's turning over a new leaf.

You tell us: Has Spencer done a total 180?
Yes. He's finally gotten tired of being a villain!
No. Once a Pratt, always a pratt.
Still too early to tell.

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