Friday, June 19, 2009

Hills Poll: Are You Officially Sick Of Speidi?

Over the past couple of months, we’ve followed along as Speidi say their "I Do"s, sucked face while wearing surgical maskes, called Audrina a "hoe," ran in and out of Costa Rica more times than we could count and waged war against the most smiley-faced weatherman in TV history. And while we have zero prob going along for the ride (what can we say? we loooooves the drama!), we’re starting to get the feeling that SOME peeps are tired of reading about Heidi's new bikini line / Spencer's burgeoning rap career 24/7.

In fact, right this very mo, E! Online is asking their readers whether they should stop writing about the Hillzies altogether! And they ain’t bluffing! In the event that the Pratts fail to win the popular vote, E!’s promising to turn their Web site into (gasp!) a “Speidi-Free Zone.”

Do you get cold sweats at the thought of a day without Speidi goss? Or do you secretly wish you had the willpower to stop following them on Twitter, watching old eps of I'm A Celebrity, and tuning in every time they decide it’s time for another trip down the aisle? Take our poll!

Love 'em or hate 'em, will you keep following Speidi's antics?
I'm addicted! When did these two get so entertaining?
SO over it! How many times can we keep falling for their act?
Not sure, but 'I'm A Celebrity' totally SUCKS without them. free polls

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