Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Give the Girls a Boost! The Bustier Bikini is Making Waves

This season we're seeing a lots of takes on the Bustier Bikini.  I'm referring to that little underwire bikini top that makes the most of what God gave a girl...a bosom.  The Bustier is similar, but slightly different than the standard underwire bra top.  It's cut a little smaller, sometimes sporting push-up pads, usually including a removable neck/shoulder strap and it really does it's job by making the smaller breasts look rounder, sexier..OK, let's say CUTER!   I have to say that the comeback of the Bustier Bikini is a huge triumph for the girl with a petite bustline.  Let's face it, the large busted women just can't wear the this little underwire bikini well.  Frankly, there's just so much spillage.  I mean, after all, sometimes too much is just too much. 

This season, Marysia did a cute Bustier Bikini, Mara Hoffman did a few of them and Maaji did one that's just the cutest thing on the planet.  Here's our Bustier Bikini hit parade for 2011:


So, go for it girls!  It's time for the dainties to shine!

~ C.

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