Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Whitney Port's Application 'Forward-Blocker App'

Whitney Port is all about business (okay, and sometimes boys) on her hit MTV show The City, but now the 25-year-old designer is showing off her funny side. Whit recently lent her celeb power to an entertaining skit in which she stars as a spokesperson for the Forward-Blocker app.

"Hi, I'm Whitney Port, and I'm here to talk to you about a very serious disease that's affecting our nation's parents," she says. "It's called Email Forwarding Syndrome. According to doctors, E.F.S. is a degenerative brain disease in which the frontal lobe misinterprets a boring or unfunny email as interesting, and deems it worth forwarding to other people."

We've all been on the receiving end of that before! Whitney then promotes an app called Forward-Blocker, which prevents parents from sending out annoyingly un-amusing emails like "stupid pet videos, or chain emails, or boring articles about technology, and even terrible cartoons."

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