Friday, January 29, 2010

Five Reasons Audrina Shouldn't Date A Rocker

Are Audrina Patridge and Ryan Cabrera makin' beautiful babies together?! No clue, but they've sure been spending a lot of time holding hands. The maybe-couple (who've been popping up together all over town) were spotted again last night, this time "smooching in the alley" outside Hollywood's Bardot nightclub.

So is this the real deal? Well, nothing against Ryan, but we just don't see our gal 'Drina getting serious with the dude best known for mushy, pop rock ballads/breaking up with Ashlee Simpson. In fact, she might wanna stay away from those musician types altogether! Below, the top five reasons we think Audrina should rethink dating a rocker ...

Reason No. 1: She's already done the bad boy thing.
Reason No. 2: She's got enough skinny jeans in her closet as it is!
Reason No. 3: What, you think Gene Simmons wakes up looking that good!?
Reason No. 4: Your breakup is his next number one hit.
Reason No. 5: Guys come and go. But guyliner stains on your pillow? Those last a lifetime.

And you can just FORGET about those girls-only trips to Hot Topic.

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