Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Brody vs Jayde: Who Has The Bigger Attitude?

We felt pretty sympathetic towards Jayde when Brody reamed her out in front of all her friends -- at the surprise party SHE planned/organized/carried out for him. But this week, it wasn't nearly as obvious who was in the wrong.

Could Brody have been a little more understanding about Jayde's feelings towards Kristin? Of course. Was Jayde wrong to show up to the party unannounced and vent (to who were those girls?) about Brody? Absolutely. And while we see both sides of this story (Jayde's worried about Brody's scheming ex, Brody's feeling smothered by his jealous girlfriend), we thought we'd put it to a vote and find out who you think committed the biggest party foul.

You tell us: Who had the bigger attitude last night?
Jayde. She came to the party looking for a fight ... and she got one.
Brody. If he'd been more considerate of Jayde, none of this would've happened.

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