Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Audrina's Blog: Interview With Interview Mag

The article in Interview Magazine is out on stands right now and you can pick it up at just about any bookstore. It talks about the strangest rumors I've heard pertaining to myself, about how I feel watching myself on The Hills and how I feel about the cameras that follow me almost everywhere! Here's a quick snippet:

Interview Mag: Are you glad The Hills is going to be over for you?
Me: I feel like I got so many great opportuniites. I did it for five years; it gets to the point where you're ready to graduate and move on to the next journey. I definitely feel much more comfortable in front of the cameras after The Hills. Before, it was much more nerve-racking.

Interview Mag: What's the weirdest rumor that's been made up about you?
Me: There've been so many. People said I was pregnant. I took my brother out in L.A. with me, and they said he was my new boyfriend. If I'm out having lunch with someone, they assume that's who I'm dating. I just sit back and laugh at it.

Check out the rest in Interview mag~!


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