Wednesday, September 30, 2009

City Poll: Is Whitney Way Too Nice?

We could go on and on and on about Kelly Cutrone's brilliant witticisms from tonight's City premiere (e.g. "L.A. has weather, New York has life."), but the Kelly moment that really stuck with us was her warning to Whitney: "I just hope that at the end of this, everything that you do for all your friends, that they treat you as nice as you treat them."

OK, so Kelly could use a lesson in sentence structure, but the basic gist of the message makes complete sense: Nice guys sometimes get screwed, so watch your back, babe. Perhaps a little ominous foreshadowing?

We're predicting that Whitney will have her hands full with frenemies soon enough, and our advice to her is similar to Cutrone's, if not more severe: Trust no one. But what do you think? Are we being paranoid, or does Whitney truly need to start putting herself first? Take the poll and tell us your opinion: Is it time for Whit to toughen up? (Or do we need to lighten up?)

Is Whitney too nice?
Yep, girl needs to learn the art of byotchery.
No, her kindness is her best quality!

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