Thursday, July 23, 2009

Five Things LC Won't Miss About The Hills

Lauren Conrad left a lot of friends, fans and memories behind on The Hills, but not everything about saying g'bye to the show was bittersweet. As we told you last week, LC's departure meant the end of the Granny Panties era (apparently, she needed thicker, sturdier undies to support the mics!). And according to Harper's Bazaar, the minor indignities didn't end there. Below, five more things LC says she won't miss about reality TV (via

1. Having her men pre-approved. Ever had trouble finding a date for Saturday night? How about finding a dude willing to do the first date thing on film? According to LC, getting a guy to "sign a release form" is even less fun than it sounds. Case in point, her current boyfriend: the perennially camera-shy Kyle Howard.

2. No spontaneous vacays. Much like the men in her life, all of LC's trips had to be run by Hills production. "I couldn't take a vacation without clearing it months and months ahead of time," LC recalls. On the plus side, think of all the boring family commitments that excuse got her out of!!

3. Home decor "help." Before any major repainting projects, LC would consult with a director of photography to make sure her new color palette meshed with the set lighting.

4. RSVPing "No" To Diddy's White Party. Forget the Clorox Bleach. LC claims she had to forgo whites and prints for years because "they don't look good on film." Lucky for her, she looks amazing in solids!

5. Party planning in twos. Needless to say, not all of LC's peeps were cool with chatting it up on camera. So she was forced to become an (involuntary) birthdayzilla! "I had to have separate birthday parties for my filming and non-filming friends," she admits.

Credit: MTV Remote Control

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