Sunday, July 26, 2009

Celebrating Opening Day at the Del Mar Races!

We're Off to the Races!

Yesterday was so amazing! I was invited to be part of the award presentation on opening day of the races at Del Mar. I'm so lucky to be part of such a huge event - and to wear such a huge derby hat! I have tons of hats, and I'll take an occasion to don one on anytime! It was great, everyone was all dressed up! Me and some of the girlies got a good view of the track and enjoyed the sunny weather. The race was so exciting! It was over so quick! I greeted the winner with his trophy, a beautiful bouquet of roses and a bottle of Champagne. I got to meet a lot of my fans and take tons of pictures. It was super fun! After the races I headed back to the L'Auberge Del Mar Hotel and hosted the after party for 944. Woohoo! Check out some of my photos on my gallery page!!!

Next stop San Diego! Here I come!

xo Drina

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