Friday, June 19, 2009

Father's Day Message From Whitney

Hi everyone! Father's Day is coming up so I wanted to share some family photos with you. I come from a family of five and my parents have always made us kids their number one priority so in honor of father's day I wanted to pay a special tribute to my dad.

I'm so fortunate to have a father who wanted to be involved in every facet of hia children's lives. He coached little league, helped us with our homework and made family dinners mandatory. Family time played a huge role in my upbringing and even now I take full advantage of the time I get to spend with them.

These past few years have been crazy and my dad has done nothing but support me every step of the way! I can't imagine going through this huge life transformation without him by my side and I'm eternally grateful for everything he has given me. I'm a daddy's girl to say the least...always have been and always will be!

I of course can't recognize Father's Day without giving a special shout out to my Boppa (that's what I call my grandfather)! He truly is amazing and I'm so thankful to have him in my life.

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